Friday, July 15, 2011

Building Awesome with Scranton Prep

Scranton Prep volunteers with master gardener, Heather Marion (pink shirt)
Photo by Ashley Coleman

Each summer students from Scranton Preparatory School in Scranton, Pennsylvania come to Lexington, Virginia to build homes with Rockbridge Area Habitat for Humanity. Scranton Prep is a private, Catholic and Jesuit school that requires its students to perform volunteer work. Many students in their junior and senior years choose to go on summer service trips to fulfill that requirement.

This year, the Scranton students worked on Rockbridge Area Habitat’s 49th and 50th homes, which belong to Jodie Wilhelm and Terry Foster. The young people worked alongside Jodie and Terry, painting walls and installing insulation, and assisted our volunteer master gardener, Heather Marion, with planting trees in the homeowners’ yards.

Several of the teachers accompanying the high school volunteers have chaperoned multiple Habitat service trips. Kathy Elgaway, a 12th grade math teacher, returned to Rockbridge Area Habitat for the fourth time this year. She continues to volunteer here because she admires our construction supervisors’ commitment to Habitat and their positive influence on the teenagers. Kathy said, “Joe and Kelly are natural born teachers. They show our students how to work together and give them the opportunity to serve others.”

Tyler Shotto is a rising senior who was excited about being with his peers in this “awesome work environment.” He also appreciated Joe’s knowledge and teaching skills. “Joe is so smart. I’ve learned so much about myself and other people. I would definitely volunteer with Habitat again.”

Another rising senior, Norma Frederick, chose a service project with Habitat because she wanted to work directly with the people she was helping. “It’s nice to see how much Terry appreciates her home and enthusiastic she is,” she said.

Norma was thrilled to have a meaningful role in the building process, and said she enjoyed learning from Habitat’s staff. “Joe and Kelly are excellent. Instead of telling us what to do, they show us and then let us jump right in. Everything is really hands-on.”

Rockbridge Area Habitat is blessed to have volunteers like the students and teachers from Scranton Preparatory School. We look forward to seeing them again next summer!

New Habitat homeowner, Jodie Wilhelm, (in blue shirt) thanking Scranton Prep volunteers.

Photo by Ashley Coleman