Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Member of "The Crew"

Harrison Bicknell started volunteering with Rockbridge Area Habitat 11 years ago, when he and his wife Jane moved here from Schenectady, New York. Harrison and four other retired gentlemen formed a volunteer group they called “The Crew.” Together they helped to build over 20 Habitat homes in Lexington, Buena Vista, and Glasgow.

Harrison is a retired electrical engineer and he used his professional knowledge when planning building projects. He even drew the preliminary sketches for several homes, one of which belongs to our very own Lexington ReStore Manager, Jane Ann Wells, and her family.

The Crew worked with many other volunteers, including high school and college students. Some houses were built by the Building and Trades class at Rockbridge County High School, moved in sections to the site, and then reassembled by Harrison and his friends. One of his most memorable projects was a 24-hour Blitz Build in which an entire home was completed in four days with the help of VMI Keydets and Southern Virginia University students.

Harrison volunteered at the building sites until he turned 75, and then began to look for new ways to contribute to Rockbridge Habitat. Five years ago he began volunteering in the Lexington ReStore. Each Monday morning he sweeps the floor and prices the furniture. Donations arrive constantly, and Harrison enjoys sorting the treasures and identifying antiques.

Upon moving to VA, Harrison was issued a new license plate, part of which read “YKY.” His NY friends joked that he had been labeled a Yankee by the folks in VA, but Harrison assured them that he felt very welcome in his new home. And whenever he’s asked about his experiences with Rockbridge Area Habitat, Harrison attests that all are welcome to join our mission of making safe, decent and affordable housing a matter of conscience and action.

Harrison Bicknell

As Harrison demonstrates, there are many ways to volunteer with us, from swinging a hammer to using a pricing gun. No experience is necessary.

Call (540) 463-3770 or email habitat@rockbridge.net.